Jacob O. Torring

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at NTNU, VSR at Stanford University


Menlo Park, California 94025

Hi! I am a PhD candidate in High-Performance Computing (HPC) and AI at NTNU, currently wrapping up my thesis in Menlo Park, California. My research focuses on applying cutting-edge AI techniques to optimize HPC systems through autotuning.

I’m leading the CATBench project with collaborators from Lund University and Stanford University, and I’m the author of the BAT project, working with researchers from Leiden University and Masaryk University. These projects are community-driven efforts aimed at redefining autotuning evaluation in HPC. Additionally, I’ve supervised the LS-CAT project, a large-scale CUDA autotuning dataset for training LLMs in CUDA kernel optimization. I’ve supervised five Master’s students during my time at NTNU.

Previously, I’ve worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Norway’s largest HPC center, where I developed a self-tuning analysis tool to characterize experimental systems using the Roofline Model. Prior to that, I was a Graduate Research Assistant at KAIST, where I developed a novel technique in probabilistic program slicing. More recently, I’ve led the DevOps team and co-developed the On-Board Computer of an operational satellite.

When I’m not immersed in the world of HPC and AI, you can find me playing Go at the Silicon Valley Go Club. I’m also a former freelance Lighting Designer for theater and concerts and founded a stage technician organization.

I’m passionate about pushing the boundaries of computational efficiency. Feel free to connect if you’re interested in the intersection of HPC and AI, or if you’d like to explore how my research can apply to your work!

Selected Publications

  1. Under Review
    CATBench: A Compiler Autotuning Benchmarking Suite for Black-box Optimization
    Jacob O Tørring, Carl Hvarfner, Luigi Nardi, and Magnus Själander
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17811, 2024
  2. ICAPAI 2021
    LS-CAT: A Large-Scale CUDA AutoTuning Dataset
    Lars Bjertnes, Jacob O Tørring, and Anne C Elster
    In 2021 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI) , 2021
  3. IPDPS 2023
    Towards a Benchmarking Suite for Kernel Tuners
    Jacob O Tørring, Ben Werkhoven, Filip Petrovč, Floris-Jan Willemsen, Jiřı́ Filipovič, and Anne C Elster
    In 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW) , 2023